10+ Retro Pixel-art Milk Carton

A collection of a 2D retro-styled pixel-art milk cartons featuring many different flavors.

Download this asset pack by purchasing it for $1.48 USD or more.

Included files

Vanilla Milk.png (5.7 kB)
4000x4000_VanillaMilk.png (70 kB)
White Chocolate.png (5 kB)
4000x4000_WhiteChocMilk.png (69 kB)
Strawberry Milk.png (973 bytes)
4000x4000_StrawberryMilk.png (129 kB)
Pumpkin Milk.png (5.4 kB)
4000x4000_PumpkinMilk.png (69 kB)
Peanut.png (5.5 kB)
4000x4000_Peanut.png (69 kB)
Mint.png (6.3 kB)
4000x4000_MintMilk.png (70 kB)
Milk.png (703 bytes)
4000x4000_Milk.png (69 kB)
Cookies and Cream Milk.png (5.8 kB)
4000x4000_CookiesCreamMilk.png (69 kB)
Chocolate Milk.png (902 bytes)
4000x4000_ChocolateMilk.png (69 kB)
Cherry.png (5.6 kB)
4000x4000_Cherry.png (69 kB)
Caramel Milk.png (5.3 kB)
4000x4000_CaramelMilk.png (69 kB)
Blueberry Milk.png (5.5 kB)
4000x4000_BlueberryMilk.png (70 kB)
Banana Milk.png (5.9 kB)
4000x4000_BananaMilk.png (70 kB)

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